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Use HSM for easy to use high speed signing or MPC for coordinated signing flows
Apply governance to your transactions with our comprehensive policy engine
Automate your transaction flows with programmatic access
Out of the box support for Ethereum, Avalanche and XRP ledger
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Palisade Financial S.A.S. is a French société par actions simplifiée having its registered office located at 229 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Paris under number 922 396 262. Palisade Financial S.A.S. is registered as a DASP (Digital Asset Service Provider) with the AMF under number E2023-82. Any investment in crypto-assets carries risks. Past financial performance does not guarantee future performance.
Investment in digital assets carries a risk of total or partial capital loss and a risk of significant volatility potentially inappropriate for retail clients. Only risk capital that you are willing to lose.